Post Valentine’s Day Activities
February 17, 2024
Valentine's Day has come and gone.
I included the special day for lovers in only one book, Challenged Love of The Consequential Love Series. Sadly, the lovers (Garrett & Leigh) weren't together for a boisterous celebration, so it was bittersweet.
Playground Antics is getting closer to release. Over this last week, we were finalizing the cover. As soon as it's finished, I will send you an email with the cover reveal!
Exciting news came out the other day from my publisher. They're working on getting more of their books in audio format! Many folks love audiobooks. I listen to them when I'm on our treadmill—it has Bluetooth speakers. If any of my books are chosen, I will let you know.
I'm busy writing my next story. The working title has gone from The Fireman & the She-shed to Green Eyes & Dimples. As much as I liked the first title, the she-shed and fire was only one scene. I selected the second title because, after the heroine, Tracie, meets the hero, Matt, what she continually thinks of are his green eyes and dimples. Of course, the actual title may be totally different. Time will tell.
In the story, Tracie's twin niece and nephew, Lucy & Nicky, are fun to write about and lead into small adventures, especially Nicky. I was thinking of making them seven-year-olds, but now I'm thinking five-year-olds may work better. I'll probably reach out to friends who have kids or grandkids to get their take on which age fits their actions. Yup, research!! 😊
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Next stop—springtime!
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