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Green Eyes & Dimples

"Auntie T! Auntie T!" Two high-pitched voices harmonized as the twins launched their little bodies into her outstretched arms.

"Did you have fun today?"

"Yes!" The chorus of two voices sounded in her ears.

She stood and held their small hands, preparing for their walk home.

"What did you do?"

"Colored. See?" Lucy held up a colorful sheet. "Nicky didn't keep his."

"I broke mine."

"Did you learn anything new?" Tracie rushed to end the discussion of Nicky's failed coloring project.


His head popped up and a smile stretched across his face at the change of topics. "We learned about a giant."


"David and Goliath?"

"Yeah! The little guy had a slingshot. Can I have one?" Nicky focused on the toy he now dreamed of having.

"That's up to your parents."

"Hi, Teacher!" Lucy waved at a young man exiting the church. Breaking away from Tracie's grasp, she raced to him and latched onto his leg.

"Hi, sweetie. Is this your mom?" His large hand rubbed across her small back.

"She's Auntie T."

"Hello, Auntie T."

All Tracie saw was sparkling green eyes and deep dimples. She inhaled.

"The…ah…T stands for Tracie."

"I'm Matt West. I filled in for my mom today." He held out his hand, the one that had been on Lucy's back.

She blinked away an image of the extended hand caressing her back before clasping his hand.

"I remember her. She taught me in Sunday School."

Their handshake ended, and she missed the physical connection with him. What's up with my reaction to him? Granted, he's handsome and has remarkable eyes.

"Yeah, she's a fixture here."

"Is she alright?"

"She's fine. An appointment kept her away today. Thanks for asking about her."

"Your David and Goliath story was a hit. Nicky asked for a slingshot."

"Uh-oh. Sorry 'bout that." A slight blush blossomed across his cheeks.

"Not my problem. A slingshot is up to his mom and dad. By the time they return from their extended vacation, he'll have forgotten all about it."

"Thank God; I mean, thank goodness. You guys were going this way?"

"We were, until Lucy attached herself to your leg."

"My parents live on the next block. Since I'm going the same way, can we walk together?" He hoped his eyes didn't give away his yearning for an affirmative answer.

"Yes, Teacher." Lucy gazed up at him, abandoned his leg, and snatched onto his hand. "Let's go."

Not to be outdone, Nicky grabbed Matt's other hand and one of Tracie's hands. They walked away looking like a small family unit strolling home. Matt shortened his regular long strides to match the youngsters' pace.

"You're only in town until their parents return?" This woman fascinated him for an unknown reason, so he sought additional information about her.

"Yes, and no."

"Undecided on what to do next?"

She laughed. "Yes, because I'm only staying at their home until they return. No, because I live here in Hillcrest on the other side of town."

"I'm surprised we never met before."

"I moved back a short time ago from out of state. I returned because I missed my family. As luck would have it, I've been offered a dream job."

"What's that?"

"Head photographer and social media guru for my uncle's construction business."

"That's a position I've never heard of."

"Think about it from a sales and marketing perspective. My photographs will showcase the custom work his company does and focus on the details. Not just the big noticeable things, but the fine details like trim on the inside of a closet, the perfect masonry lines, and detailed woodworking on cabinets or staircases."

"I've never thought of that. Photography is your passion?"

"It is. What's yours?"

"Fighting fires. I'm a fireman."

"A typical little boy's dream job."

"In some cases. My story isn't that simple."

Her eyebrows raised. "Do tell?"

He laughed. "Another time. This is my mom's house. You guys mind your Auntie T."

"We will. Bye, Teacher." The twins cried out in unison as they often did.

Tracie's eyes followed him up the driveway to the back of the house where he disappeared. She sighed and began walking. Perhaps fate would bring him across her path again.